Happy Thanksgiving to all who celebrate here in the States. This year I have lots to be thankful for. I'm especially thankful for the kindness shown to me over the last few weeks.
I put it out there to my networks that I'm learning basic photography AND also planning my first makeup workshop. The amount of people who reached out to me to offer me advice on both matters was AMAZING. I am fortunate that many wonderful people in the pro community are generous with their experience and knowledge.
To be honest, I was a bit nervous that it was going to be crickets putting myself out there because I've been distant from the pro community for a while. I thought because of that, no one would be interested in helping me out, but I was very wrong.
I even had an old colleague from 5 years ago reach out to me and offer some advice. He's a photographer with a side hustle, and he said he had the same camera I'm using now when he was starting. We met up for coffee, and we had a very long visit catching up about life, but he also gave me soooo many tips and insights about photography.
I started reading some of the material given to me by artist friends. I can't wait to start messing around with my camera more and see what I come up with.
The lesson of these past 2 weeks: don't be afraid to ask for guidance!
Here are some pictures I took with my Nikon in a little studio I made in my office area.