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Writer's pictureJordan Garcia

Lesson #27: Apologize to Carly BETH!

Forgiveness holds immense power—both in seeking it and in giving it. It's not always easy to be on either side of this coin, but there's a release of energy when you learn to ask for forgiveness or forgive others. This is one of those lessons that really pushes your emotional growth and maturity.

On the one hand, admitting when you're wrong and asking for forgiveness displays a high level of humility and emotional intelligence. People will respect you more for it. Owning up to mistakes takes strength, and it can often strengthen your relationships in unexpected ways.

On the flip side, forgiving someone who has wronged you—while not easy—frees up emotional space within yourself. Holding onto grudges weighs us down, and learning to forgive brings peace. While it doesn't mean forgetting or excusing harmful behavior, it does mean choosing to prioritize your own emotional well-being. Whether you seek forgiveness or the one giving it, both paths offer a deep sense of release and growth.

Even if the relationship is beyond repair and you'll never cross paths with that person again, it's important to declare to the universe that you forgive and/or ask for forgiveness. Very recently, I finally decided that I needed to put it out into the universe that I forgive the actions done onto me by people who wanted to hurt me. I tried to put myself in their shoes and see things from their point of view on why they might've felt the need to try and hurt me. I understand that perhaps my actions hurt them, and I also needed to ask for forgiveness.

Once I put it out there, I started to notice how much space was freed up in my head and heart over the following weeks and months. When they did cross my mind on occasion, I felt complete peace and apathy.

What happened to you when you asked for forgiveness or forgave someone else? Share your experiences in the comments or send me a DM!

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